Sunday, October 21, 2012

Game of Thrones, Addicting Like A Drug

Do you think it’s worth paying an extra ten dollars a month to watch your favorite premium shows and movies that never go on commercial? My parents with gratitude bought Showtime, Starz, and HBO, the best premium cable channel networks. The dough my parents pay monthly for these networks is worth it.  To somehow reimburse them for paying for these expensive channels, I make sure I do well in school and extracurricular activities. I look forward to watching movies that premier every Saturday at 7 pm. HBO's most superlative show ever is Game of Thrones. For the past year I've been obsessed with Game of the Thrones after reading tons of positive appraisals after reviews from the magazine Entertainment Weekly.

Anyone who isn't us is our enemy.” Cersei 
Being 15, I consider myself a very mature adult, having worked multiple jobs, and participating in fully-grown service projects. Game of Thrones rated MA has many sex scenes and inappropriate language which I became accustomed to after watching The Hangover. Game of Thrones is about several kingdoms in a continent called Westeros controlled under the king, which becomes constantly becomes accustomed to problems. Many people believe that Game of Thrones is a boring medieval show (similar to the Smithsonian Channels dullness) and is depicted with tacky reenactments similar to as Medieval Times, but it’s the exact opposite. With Game of Thrones I learn about a fictional history and get to watch drama and action in a primitive show. One way to describe Game of Thrones is deplorable, but addicting to watch and take in like a drug.

Literary Analysis of Irony in 1984

For those of you who haven't read 1984, you need to read it. It's like one of those books you have to read on your bucket list before you die. A major theme saw all throughout the novel is irony. For a better understanding of irony throughout the book and if you take it literal read my essay.

Literary Analysis of Irony in 1984

            In the novel, 1984 readers are shown many different themes. One theme is irony, which is humor based on using words to suggest the opposite of their literal meaning. There are many cases of irony throughout the novel. Examples of irony are seen through doublethink and Winston’s attraction to Julia. The novel, 1984 emphasizes Winston’s feeling towards Julia as poignant. Doublethink is expressed as the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination. These examples of irony are made clear throughout the novel with thoughts and reminding judgments and views of certain characters.
            Winston’s attraction to Julia is viewed as ironic, because he always describes his feeling towards her as revulsion since he can’t have her. In the beginning of the novel Winston descriptively illustrates Julia’s features with attentiveness, but mentions that he disliked her from the very first moment he saw her.  This is a clear example of irony, reason being that Winston cares enough to describe Julia’s characteristics and compare her to other woman as being more dangerous.  Also, the possibility that Julia may have been an agent of the Thought Police gave Winston feeling of agitation, which was mixed with fear, of getting reported/arrested by her as-well as the resentment of being around her. Winston’s emotions of affection were expressed towards Julia as abhorrence, because of his desire for her.
            The party maintains control with the ironic use of doublethink, which is conveyed in thinking twice about something that known for a fact is not true. The Party’s slogan War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength ironic in use of doublethink. Oceania was constantly and currently at war with Eurasia, making the slogan “War is Peace” futile. The slogan “Freedom is Slavery” is sardonic, since no one in Oceania can do anything that is not considered acceptable by the party before, putting themselves at risk of vaporization or disappearance. The citizens of Oceania were unable to identify all of the flaws and fabrications the Party gave them, which increased the Party's control and created irony in the third slogan “Ignorance is Strength”. The Party’s slogans formed through doublethink are implanted in the people’s thoughts as the acceptable truth.
The main examples of irony are seen through doublethink and Winston’s attraction to Julia. These examples both fall on the Party’s guidelines. The people as a society are told information that they are supposed to believe and listen to as the legitimacy. Winston’s profoundly tender, and passionate affection for Julia is expressed as revulsion, since he is unable to have her. These examples of irony are made vibrant in the novel with beliefs and reminding approaches and outlooks from certain characters.

Monday, October 15, 2012


                                                               Hello, to whom it may concern

Life everyday for me. I'm always worried!
I feel that writing this blog will help me open up more to the world and discover myself. This year I’m going for bigger and better. I want to achieve so much more, than last year which was just a test run. Now it’s the real deal. My parents are already making me go to college fairs, study for Act’s , go to school on Saturday, and work with a mentor on my resume.  I’m only a sophomore and right now life’s complicated. I have so much pressure on my shoulders and always seem to worry about things my classmates and peers begin to care about senior year. I wake early every morning to go learn, and am lucky to get a holiday off which is rare. My career and plan for life is already set. Whenever someone asks me what I want to be I always reply with the same response:  “I hope to become an architect and interior designer, which will eventually help me aid the underprivileged around the world, especially in Africa.”  To be honest I feel like I’m in some elite or exclusive group, because I am one of few sophomores who have already started preparing for their career, by studying for ACT’s, which’ll very much determine what college we go to. Despite my parents currently overwhelming me work to prepare for the future, I know it will pay off in the end.