Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Chapter Nine Literary Reflection


Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, brings understanding to the reader with history and the current state of the political philosophy and warfare between the superstates, Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. The book within 1984, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein, reveals inconsistencies in the government. Throughout the omnibus the following slogans are explained in detail: War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength. The Ministry slogans are paradoxes, since they are simple statements designed to confuse the populace for more control, but can be somewhat understood with lucidity and outlook. In Goldstein’s novels the slogans reveal the true oppressive nature of the populace.

Oceania was constantly and currently at war with Eurasia, making the slogan “War is Peace” futile. “If you want peace, prepare for war”. This was an illustrious quote said by Roman writer, Publius Renatus. The quotes affirmative meaning in relation to the slogan infers that war is fought as a preventive measure to preclude anticipated belligerence by another force. The slogan simply makes it clear that peace is earned through warfare and by becoming pugnacious. Even though war brings about obliteration and revulsion, it establishes peace and fortification for the citizens

The slogan “Freedom is Slavery” is sardonic, since no one in Oceania can do anything that is not considered acceptable by the party, before putting themselves at risk of vaporization or disappearance. Freedom is thought of as allowing people to act and choose as they please without restrictions. Slavery in 1984 is considered as the domination of the Party. This slogan “Freedom is Slavery” can be cognized as either optimistic or adverse. With a positive intake freedom is defined by the set of rules which governs you. People are subject to being governed by the society to ensure that they are protected by acknowledging that their freedom is not absolute. In a sense, there are more assertive rules, when the submissive is governed.

 The citizens of Oceania were unable to identify all of the flaws and fabrications the Party gave them, which increased the Party's control and created irony in the third slogan “Ignorance is Strength”. In 1984 the slogan, is contingent of the people’s inability to distinguish these contradictions, which strengthened the control of the authoritarian regime. A citizen of Oceania (especially Proles) has to be oblivious, rather than highly knowledgeable of their state’s system and antiquity, which might have resulted in disappearance or vaporization. In the novel, Syme, one of Winston’s co-workers in the Ministry suddenly disappears, reason being he is too vehement towards his work and intelligence. In all, it is best to know less, to not suffer consequences resulting in death, which helps the Party easily dominate the people of Oceania.

The three slogans “War is Peace”; “Freedom is Slavery”; Ignorance is Strength, describe Oceania within 1984, of the novel The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein. The slogans can be taken from an affirmative view, which points out how they somewhat benefit society.  The deleterious view, which the ideal person may conform to is the common take on how a person sides towards the three slogans. The mottos can accounted for with clear understanding and indulgence, because of their optimistic and deleterious views, which can be preferred either way.

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