phobia of elevators began when I watched the film, Final Destination 2. In the
elevator death scene a woman’s hair gets caught on hooks as she exits. As the
elevator begins to go up floors so does she, which results in her head to
falling off. It gives me slight nervousness when contemplating a long elevator
ride. Many maintenance problems can occur on elevators. One of my biggest
worries is reaching the weight capacity, and having a large person step on it,
which would cause the elevator to plunge and obliterate everyone on board. Some
fully loaded elevators are not operated by multiple cables, but by one large
pole. I take caution, by standing on the corners of an elevator, rather than the
middle. My agoraphobia of elevators comes with benefit of me often taking the
stairs, even if my destinations on the 21st floor.
phobia of rats is similar to my trepidation of elevators. Both fears involve
risks that may result in death. Rats carry a lot of microbes, bacteria and
viruses in them, which may cause infection and demise. Elevators may break
down; reason being the weight capacity has been reached, leading to many
mechanical problems, causing injury or bereavement. Winston is one of few
nonconformists in the Oceania social order, who becomes overwhelmed with
torture performed by the Ministry of Love. In my instance, this is comparable
to me becoming anxious when an individual whose overweight steps on a fully
loaded elevator. Both phobias are simply consequent from past childhood
experiences, which were of course terrifying, bringing back depraved memories
and self-preservation.
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